This romance drama tells a story about a talented superstar Jung Woo Jin (Lee Sung Yeol) who has a painful disease. He always remembers everything even the tiniest thing. This disease always brings him into a stressed situation. One day, he meets a girl named Do Hye Soo (Bae Yoo Bin) who also has a rare disease. Her memory always resets every month that making Hye Soo forgets her past memory. Their accidental encounter, bring them into hell situations that they never forget forever.
This romance drama tells a story about a talented superstar Jung Woo Jin (Lee Sung Yeol) who has a painful disease. He always remembers everything even the tiniest thing. This disease always brings him into a stressed situation. One day, he meets a girl named Do Hye Soo (Bae Yoo Bin) who also has a rare disease. Her memory always resets every month that making Hye Soo forgets her past memory. Their accidental encounter, bring them into hell situations that they never forget forever.