Lex Lamprey nasceu o 12 de junho de 1975 no Reino Unido. É ator e produtor, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em India vs England (2020), The Curse of Halloween Jack (2019) e Apóstolo (2018).
A producer, director, two-time Daytime Entertainment Emmy® Awards-honored voice actor, voice match specialist, songwriter, music producer, entrepreneur, poet and philanthropist, Lex Lang is one of Hollywood's most versatile creative personalities. During college, Lex performed stand-up comedy and did impersonations across the country at famous venues such as The Comedy Store, Dr. Giggles, The NFL Cub, Anderson's Fifth Estate and The Improv, where he performed regularly with comedians Jim Carrey, Richard Belzer, and David Spade. Lex also performed with the Royal London Shakespeare Theatre Company in the Summer stock performance of "Two Gentlemen of Verona" under the direction of John Houseman. Lex eventually moved back to Hollywood, California to study music at The Musician's Institute and to continue his acting career. He is proficient at playing the guitar, bass, piano, and has written over 200 songs in multiple genres. Lex loves to play poker and enjoys spending time with his wife Sandy Fox, and their four dogs and one cat. As a voice director for live action, animation, and video games, Lex has directed voice actors on numerous productions for clients including Cartoon Network, EWAM, Sony, Codemasters, Bang Zoom Entertainment, Technicolor, PCB productions, HBO and Warner Brothers. As a voice actor he can be heard on networks across the country doing promos, trailers, announcing major live specials, and doing sound a-likes for celebrities. He also plays a variety of voices on the animated shows Os Vingadores - Os Maiores Heróis da Terra (2010), Batman: Os Bravos e Destemidos (2008), Avatar: A Lenda de Aang (2005), Apenas Um Show (2010), George, o Curioso (2006), Naruto (2002), and more. In 2013, he was made the voice of The Guy's Choice Awards on Spike TV and is the voice for UFC promos on Fox. He is the co-founder of The Love Planet Foundation since 1999. He is an advocate for the environment and promotes green living, positive thinking, children's education and planet preservation. He is also an animal lover, he has 4 dogs and one cat, and he is an avid Star Wars: Episódio IV - Uma Nova Esperança (1977) fan. Over 150 viewings of Episode IV alone! Lex and his wife Sandy Fox are founders of H2Om Water with Intention (since 2006), an award-winning natural spring in an eco-friendly container, which encourages you to harness the power of your positive thoughts! Just "think it while you drink it"®. Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Movie: Star Wars Favorite Food: Mom's Favorite Quote: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. -Jimi Hendrix Awards: John F. Kennedy Center For Performing Arts Excellence In Acting Award Outstanding Actor Award from The American College Theatre Festival Two-time Daytime Entertainment Emmy® Awards-honored voice actor
Lex Lewis é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Uncanny X-Men (2012), The Eye (2018) e Doctor Who: The Forgotten Doctor (2013).
Lex Lindsey é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em We All Fall Down (2016) e The Appearance (2018).
Lex Medlin nasceu o 30 de março de 1969 em Alabama, EUA. É ator e produtor, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em The Hot Sand (2005), Sobrenatural (2005) e CSI: Investigação Criminal (2000). É casado com Lori Bell Medlin e tem dois filhos.
Lex Mitchell nasceu na Austrália. É conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Homicide (1964), Stone (1974) e The Evil Touch (1973).
Lex Ortega nasceu o 25 de fevereiro de 1980 em Cidade do México, México. É autor e diretor, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em México Bárbaro (2014), World of Death (2016) e Frio (Cold) (2012).
Lex Quarterman é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Shedding (2019), Primate Cinema: Apes as Family (2012) e Saint Alex (2012).